Why You Shouldn’t hire a UI / UX designer?

hire a UI / UX designer

Want to hire a UI / UX designer for your project? What if you can do without it? Our article will help you understand the concepts and decide without which specialists you will definitely not get a quality product.

Why is it important how a product looks when it works?

There is often a trap behind visual beauty. If the user is uncomfortable navigating the application, he will delete it. There are situations when it is convenient to press the buttons, but it is not clear where this or that function is located in the menu.

Marketers began to study web analytics, evaluate the visual differences of various products, and draw up trends. It turned out that the user does not understand some points that were obvious to the business and the development team. Someone did not find the desired section in the menu, someone did not understand what actions were expected of him, others found out about the availability of important functionality only after a couple of months of active use. Minor blunders resulted in lost profits for the business.

But there is also a downside to this process. Modern users want the app to be beautiful. Of two completely understandable and multifunctional applications, modern people will choose the more stylish one. Still thinking you can save money on UI and UX designers? You can get a more detailed answer here

Who is a UX designer, his duties and responsibilities?

User Experience – user experience. A UX designer is a specialist who has empathy and understands business processes. Translator, between business and user. Key responsibilities:

  • Conducting business briefings.
  • Conducting face-to-face interviews with users.
  • Interface analysis of competitors’ solutions.
  • Drawing up the information architecture of the project.
  • Prototyping.

Analytics and testing

The task of the UX designer is to create a clear structure of the project so that the interests of both the business and the user are taken into account. The project starts with the UX designer. It collects and structures information, creates a prototype that will be understandable to the user, conducts tests to test hypotheses and find user dead ends. The UX designer is responsible for the convenience of the future project and the preservation of the project’s business processes. Acts as an advocate for the user who enjoys interacting with the interface, thereby becoming a loyal, regular customer.

UI designer: what does he do and what is he responsible for?

The User Interface is what the end consumer sees. The UI designer is directly responsible for the visual component of the project. Selection of icons and images, definition of style and visual accents. In addition, the UI designer is responsible for micro UX within the interface. Each element should be intuitive for the user. For example, if the UX designer reflects a slider in the prototype, the task of the UI designer is to render the slider in such a way that the user understands that it is a slider.

Main responsibilities of a UI designer:

  • General style of the project.
  • Visual accents.
  • Typography.
  • Branding.
  • Preparation of UI for layout.

Why not make UX and UI for the same price?

UX and UI are two important stages in the development of an IT project. Someone combines the role of UX / UI, but here it is logical to compare an architect and interior design. We can say that both are involved in the construction of the house, but they are unlikely to do each other’s work. How can a UI designer focus on the interface if he is constantly distracted by project structure or business process studies? How can a UX designer piece together the whole picture and take into account the interests of both the business and the user, if he is fixated on choosing a color scheme?

UX and UI are large areas, each with its own laws, rules and tools. At the same time, the competencies of the UX and UI designer are strongly intertwined, the UX should have basic competencies in the UI, and the UI should have basic competencies in UX. Gone are the days when one person can be responsible for creating a website or an IT project. To create a successful digital product requires a team where everyone has their own area of ​​responsibility and skills.