How To Create Facebook slideshow video ads That Convert Leads


 Do you want to convert more leads with the Facebook slideshow video ads but don’t know how? Check this guide to find out.

When it comes to Facebook, people can find numerous ad formats. However, it can be challenging to determine which one to use and when. 

Well, no worries, as this guide will help you learn the ways and tips to create Facebook slideshow video ads with the help of the best ad maker and best techniques. So, let’s start. 

Facebook slideshow video ads: Why Use It?

Facebook slideshow video ads are an excellent way to capture monotonous static images and add movement with additional text overlay to showcase the advantages of the product or service you’re promoting or advertising. 

These slideshow video ads help get the audience’s attention and enhance the outcomes of your Facebook promotion or advertising outcomes. Compared to single image ads, slideshow video ads always ensure better Facebook advertising results. What’s more, is that slideshow video ads are easy to create. 

Facebook Slideshow Ad: How To Create It?

Now, let’s move straight into the ad level of Facebook ads, as the slideshow video ads are all created there. You’ll have to choose between the video and single image option while being on the ad level.

Although a bit misleading, taking a closer look at the fine print will help you notice a “slideshow with multiple images.” Slideshows are better than videos as you can easily create them. You need images and an ad maker – not some sophisticated video studio. 

To begin with, you must select and click on the “create slideshow” button. 

After clicking this button, Facebook will start displaying a few examples on the right-hand side concerning the functioning of a working slideshow. 

If you get to the interface once, you can start looking at the Facebook templates. Every template will help you determine the number of images displayed and the duration of the slideshow. 

Typically, most individuals will show images around a single product or a related product category. If you’re working on a single product and using images focused on it, use pictures that exhibit all the product features. 

Pro Tip: Your slideshow can be shorter if your product has a general appeal while keeping a lower price point. You’ll need a more extended slideshow for expensive products involving more customer consideration. 

Now, you must pick a template or preset. For instance, you can choose an extremely simple present or something too stylish. 

Tip: If you don’t consider the presets appealing, you can play with them by clicking on the “create slideshow” button to do things manually. However, it’s best to go with the templates as they are more professional, appealing, and manageable. 

Facebook slideshow video ads: How To Use It For Advertising a Service? 

Let’s take an example where you want to advertise a service and have chosen the template – “showcase a square image.”

Although the template only allows you to use one or two images, it’s essential to notice that it enables you to use text overlay, which is quite a great deal to get done with on Facebook. If you see, most images with text overlay drastically reduce your page reach. 

If you click on the interface, you’ll have to start choosing your image. For instance, if you want to advertise guitar lessons, you have to select your guitar image from Facebook stock images or your gallery. 

Although you’re working on a service ad with a single image, it will yield the best results with the Facebook slideshow format. Now, coming back to the image, you’ve to crop and ensure that it enhances the most active part. 

Now, you must add your logo and see if it can go moving around the screen or not. 

The next step is using the text. If you consider the typical Facebook ads, you’ll find they don’t get much engagement with a lot of text. Even if you use a single image for slideshow video ads, Facebook ensures better engagement with text overlays. 

You can decide what message you want to convey while placing a background colour to make your text stand out from the image. Changing the colour and the position of the text is also an option. 

After that, the next things to do is get started with the call to action text. Your Facebook slideshow ad will give better results if it can tell people precisely what to do next. And it’s even better to put that directly on your image. 

Your primary focus at this stage should be to “call out” your target audience. So, if you’re giving guitar lessons in New York, you must call out your audience in New York. That will help you grasp the attention of people who want to learn guitar and come across your ad. 

The primary aim is to captivate individuals’ attention to make them excited enough to take any action on your ad. 

Facebook Slideshow Ad: How to Advertise Products?


If you want to sell some of your products via a Facebook slideshow ad, you’ll have to choose a template suited for selling a range of products. 

You have to choose a background image that features your best product shots. The image must be relevant to the product you’re selling or offering. 

Now, use the ad maker tool to choose a background colour and add text to make the image more appealing. Now, repeat the same for every photo related to your product to make the slideshow. 

It would help to utilise each text area on every slide to let the audience know your product’s benefits. For instance, you can use a text like “Free Shipping Charges for Every Order.”

Now, you must determine the placements you want to use. It’s advisable to avoid the vertical placement and go with the square version for Facebook. After that, it’s imperative to deselect stories in the placement option. If not, you’ll have to spend time making vertical ads, which is ideal for use in stories. 

Lastly, click on “Use Video”. Your ad will be ready. 

Final Thoughts 

Whether you’re a small business or a big one, you can always promote your products and services with the help of Facebook slideshow video ads. Their most significant benefits are their ability to overlay text on images and the movement of the pictures. 

However, it’s best to check different ad types against one another to determine which yields better results.