Fiction is one of those genres of books that are read and appreciated all over the world. Not every fiction that is written has not come out to be successful. Though there are multiple reasons for the failure of writing fictional novels, some of the points are noted from observations. The seven rules that will help while putting out an excellent fictional book with great narrative is detailed below.
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Seven golden rules for writing fictional novels
1. Try to eliminate prologue
Readers might find it tiresome to read all along, and there are chances of skipping. However, if the writer is stubborn about its placement, then feel free to carry on with what your heart says.
2. Usage of common words
There is a tendency to use high-end language and complicated words. However, it is always better to use common words in your fictional novels. You might be addressing readers of a diverse range. There might be schoolchildren to old-aged highly proficient in the language.
It is better to use everyday, simple words, if possible, to make your concepts understandable to every one of these. For example, one can use ‘said’ instead of other complicated synonyms. There is a natural tendency to go for other more complex concepts to indicate the tone of dialogue delivery. Though one cannot entirely disagree with the practice, wherever possible, it is better to use the term ‘said’ itself.
3. Avoid using unnecessary adverbs
It is a common tendency to include adverbs to add in the description. It is due to this thought that a writer used the word ‘asseverated’ instead of ‘said.’ The modifiers can be used to indicate the tone of dialogue delivery. However, it is always recommendable that in all other cases, where it is the utmost necessary, using ‘said’ is enough.
If the writer is pretty confident to use an adverb instead of merely a verb, he/she can choose to use it. The problem with unnecessary adverb usage is that the reader gets confused, seeing more complicated words. It forces the reader to leave your novel, hunt for a dictionary, and come back to the page. The consequence is that it costs quite some time and effort from the part of the reader.
Some readers who are not patient enough are likely to drop your novel if there are a considerably high number of such usages. So, the tip is not to use adverb for ‘said’ wherever possible. As they say, over-decoration kills the beauty and readability of a fictional novel.
4. Restricting the use of exclamation points
Have control of the exclamations you use in your fictional novel. The guidelines listed here are based on what works for most of the readers. If you believe that a change will work out, then follow your heart.
5. Limit the usage of patois and regional dialects
The usage of regional dialects has to be avoided. People from a particular region will use these phrases, and they will be familiar to them only in most cases. The consequence is that several readers of your fictional novel from around the world will not be able to understand that portions of the book.
Why disappoint the readers from different parts of the world who have invested their time and put out efforts to read your novel. But if you feel that it is necessary to put it up in some portions, go on with it. However, it is always better to limit it.
6. Know the limit to describe your characters
Characters are one of the essential elements of a novel. It is through the actions, deeds, thoughts, and feelings of different roles that the story progresses.
An appropriate detailing is necessary so that the reader can get to know about the characters and visualize them. However, you must know where to stop. A never-ending description of your characters will win a sense of irritation in the minds of readers. They might feel that much of their time has been invested in character formation, and they might be lazy to read more.
Also, it is better to stop the character description within the limit. This can invoke the imagination of the readers, and they can fill the gaps that you have let out on their own.
7. Skip those proses that readers tend to skip
Read your novel over and over again. If you feel like a portion of it does not excite you, probably your readers will also not find it interesting. It is always better to omit or avoid those portions that the readers are likely to skip.
This happens mainly when the paragraphs are flooded with more. It is quite natural that the reader will feel lazy to read long sections, and they tend to skip it. You might have included essential details in it, and the reader might unknowingly skip it.
Concluding note
You might now have an idea of what would work and what to avoid while writing fictional novels. It is important to note here that these are the rules framed from a general understanding of the readers.
The most important thing is to follow your heart while writing fictional novels even if it means going against the conventions. You need not strictly follow these guidelines if you feel there is a need for a change.