12 Jobs That Hire At 15! Know The Details Here!

jobs that hire at 15

Are you a 15-year-old kid looking for a job? Well, you do have your reasons. Usually, throughout the world, at 15, it is expected of you to be a student excelling at academics, preparing to join the workforce in the next couple of years. If you are someone who is looking for extra income or real-time job experience before entering the ‘real’ job market, then there are jobs that hire at 15 years of age. This post will give you an idea about it. 

Along with that, we will also update you about the global laws and what they say when it comes to working as a high-school teenager. Scroll down as we disclose the details – 

What are the jobs that hire at 15? 

These are the couple of jobs for you where you need no experience and can either opt for full-time or part-time – 

1. Babysitting jobs 

babysitting job
Image Credit: LiveAbout

One of the most common jobs that hire at 15. Most parents with a host of responsibilities at hand, require babysitters for their kids. All you have to do is – take care of the baby, play with the baby, attend to their medical needs (if any) and ensure their safety. You must be responsible and a trustworthy person for parents to leave their kids with you. 

  • This job teaches you patience, ways to deal with situations with limited options, and indeed a sense of humor. In tough times, you will require this. With that, if you learn some basic medical approaches like CPR, then that is a life skill you can utilize further! 

2. Pet walker

dog walker job for teenagers
Image Credit: OnlineDegree.com

Love pets? How about taking them for regular walks and making some money out of that? The owners of these little ones will be unable to take them out always, and you can happily take up that job, spend some time outdoors with them, and have a gala time dealing with pets. What’s more? Apart from the money, you get to learn a lot about behavioural traits that sit well with animals. 

  • This part-time job will not only teach you more about the other members of the mammalian world but also teach you patience. Dealing with pets requires immense commitment towards them, patience to handle them, and preparing a schedule. All these values you learn here will help you stay ahead of your peers in the real job world. 

3. Car wash attendant 

teenager washing cars
Image Credit: Business Live

Attending car washing sessions and guiding the vehicles onto their tracks is another of the available jobs that hire at 15. Though in most cases, these sessions are automated, at specific points, you need individuals to step in to wash and dry the car’s interiors. As a teenager, this can be an exciting job to check out. 

  • More than mental pressure, this job demands physical stamina. Hence, in the long run, it will prepare you to deal with such arduous physical exertions, irrespective of the climate and other factors. 

4. Part-timers at cafeteria/ice cream outlets 

teenager working at a cafeteria
Image Credit: Medium

This is not one of those new jobs that hire at 15! You have seen this before, so let us reassure you that these jobs are still available for those of you who wish to get some easy cash. Most of the retail food chains – McDonald’s, KFC, Baskin & Robbins, and many others more than often hire teenage waiters/waitresses to save their cost of operations and give these teenagers a source of income and exposure to the ‘real-time’ job world. 

  • These jobs give you quick cash to help you pay those untoward bills, teach you both time and people management and certain key customer-service skills that come handy when you work in sales or other such departments in the future. 

5. Camp counselor 

camp counsellor summer job
Image Credit: American Summers

The part-time job of a camp counsellor is another of jobs that hire at 15 years of age. Every other season, there are a host of camps being set up (from wilderness ones to academic camps), and as a counsellor, you must take charge and plan out the activities of the camp accordingly. 

  • This job teaches you to be creative and unleash your untapped potential. Additionally, it gives you exposure to multiple domains, which is very helpful. 

6. Community centre jobs 

teenager working at a community center

You might have worked in a community centre during your summer break. But do you know that you can turn that into a proper job even if you are just 15? Well, there are ample opportunities like – front desk support, program coordinators, life coaches, and tutors, that you can take up. 

  • This job will teach you – organizational skills, and how to streamline multiple activities. It will also give a boost to your management skills since it requires coordinating with multiple people simultaneously. 

7. Cashier 

cashier job for 15 year old
Image Credit: LinkedIn

Though at times monotonous in nature, this is one of the most opted jobs that hire at 15. From keeping track of the store’s products and prices to bagging them for customers after purchase to keeping check of the total sales – this is quite an occupying and hands-on job for someone looking to make some extra cash. 

  • Apart from teaching you how to stay on the work floor for longer hours, it also teaches you how to manage things and deal with customers irrespective of their behaviours. These characteristics will be of great help in the future. 

8. Newspaper delivery 

delivering newspapers at teenage age
Image Credit: Getty Images

One of the easiest and often done jobs that hire at 15 years of age. Mostly, it’s a morning job; all you have to do is keep a list of people who subscribe to that specific newspaper and deliver them regularly, right on time. 

  • This job will teach you the value of commitment to a person/job, create an early morning schedule for you, and make you punctual. 

9. Personal assistant (shop/professional)

teenager working as a personal assisstant
Image Credit: Freeredar

Being someone’s/an organization’s personal assistant is another of the jobs that hire at 15! You will find most teenagers working at either one of the local shops or running errands for someone in the locality. In this manner, they can learn the basics of administration and time management. 

  • Most of the work concerned is either essential paperwork or running personal errands. In this way, you can learn how to deal with a massive amount of paperwork, give you an idea about how things work and prepare you to deal with things individually in the future. 

10. Waiter/Waitress 

teenager waitress taking orders
Image Credit: iStock

For those of you looking for a part-time earning option, waiting tables are a great idea! Compared to the other available jobs, this is found easily, takes minimal effort, and can get you handsome pay, as a 15-year-old. 

Help the guests find tables, take their orders, and deliver them on time at the place! 

  • One of the best lessons you will learn from this job is people management. From welcoming people to the restaurant to dealing with them, attending to their queries, and solving their issues as a teenager, this man-management skill will be of great help in the future. 

11. Busser 

teenager working as a busser
Image Credit: Quora

For the unaware, a busser is someone who cleans out the tables at restaurants and gets the utensils into the dishwasher for the next round of serving. Assuming you are 15 and have no work-related experience, if you are looking to cash in some additional amount, then this job is a good one! 

  • To perform well at this job, you need a keen eye (to spot the empty table) and must be on your feet throughout to get the job done quickly. This teaches you to develop a keen eye (for details and specifics) and also makes you agile on the work floor. After a good amount of exposure, you might just be the guy who gets the job done fast! 

12. Lawn care assistant 

teenage girl working in garden, mowing grass with lawn-mower
Image Credit: iStock

The last of the jobs that hire at 15 that you can check out is – that of a lawn care assistant. Whether it’s a garden area or a lawn, you will only have to deal with the basics like – mowing, planting correctly, trimming the hedges, keeping weeds out, and raking leaves. In most cases, the employers will provide you with the primary machinery like – lawnmowers or trimmers. 

  • You will get to know more about gardening from this job. Apart from that, spending time as a lawn assistant will help you bond more with nature and also teach you patience as the seasons change. 

Which of these jobs do you prefer to opt for? Whichever you pick, make sure you are aware of the basic work laws. Let us give you an insight into that – 

What do the laws worldwide say about this? 

work safety issues with teenage workers
Image Credit: Taylor Janice Workplace Law

Given that in today’s times, many 15-year-olds are taking up jobs or two, different countries have laws to cater to specific situations. However, there is a set of general rules that every country is bound by when it comes to dealing with jobs that hire at 15. Here are some of the standard ground rules – 

  • A 15-year-old cannot work in factories/industrial estates/ bars/ pubs/ casinos/other betting places (or any other place that harms your health or well-being) 
  • Though most countries have a minimal pay law, not necessarily the 15-year-olds are paid according to that. However, they must be paid a median amount mandatorily (depending on the contract). 
  • If your school is on, then most countries do not allow more than 1 hour of working period before school time starts. 
  • During holidays, the teenager can work a maximum of 30-35 hours. On school days, they can work only for 12 hours maximum, with 3-4 breaks in between. 

Apart from this, different countries follow mandatory work rules. Check that out before you join the concerned job. 

Parting thoughts 

When you are 15 years old, going through the standard teenage pangs, concentrating on multiple things can be a little tricky. Also, most parents and your loved ones would expect you to study hard. However, if you want some part-time job or additional income with no previous experience as such, then there are jobs that hire at 15. These jobs instil a sense of confidence in you and prepare you to face the world prior to others.

Did you like the list of jobs that we mentioned? Do you have something more to add? Feel free to say the same in the comments section. 



  • Monalisa Mukherjee

    Monalisa Mukherjee is a content writer, copywriter and editor with 4 years of experience. She has written for websites like Biography Talk, The Rich Net Worth, Contour Cafe, He And She Fitness and Fiction Pad. She is currently associated with a noted Digital Marketing Agency and specialises in writing press release, guest posts, articles on travel, entertainment, food recipes, celebs, lifestyle, tech, health, and fashion.

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