How to add new skills to your resume

Your resume is your main opportunity to show employers what you can offer their company. Many employers are paying particular attention to the skills section these days as they seek employees who can help them fulfill specific business goals. The contents of this section will often determine whether you are called for an interview. 

When a company announces a vacancy and asks people to apply, they are often looking for candidates with both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are teachable, while soft skills are related to one’s personality traits, making it important to find someone who already possesses the desired soft skills. However, both types of skills are needed for a candidate to have the potential to become an excellent employee.

Hundreds of skills are needed to survive in a typical workplace, but some are more pressing than others. As you prepare your resume, try to focus on those that match the job description. Here is a look at some of the top skills every employer wants to see on your resume.

Active listening skills

Most jobs require communicating with a range of people, from management and coworkers to clients and suppliers. Sometimes, being able to listen to others is just as important as speaking well. Active listening is the ability to listen to another person speak, understand their message, comprehend the information they are conveying, and respond intelligently. This can be difficult for many individuals; some are too quick to react without getting all the details. 

Active listeners use verbal and nonverbal techniques to convince the speaker that they are listening to them. This can be done by nodding, making eye contact, or using certain facial expressions. We may not all be active listeners, but we can learn this important skill. An active listener convinces their colleagues that they are interested in the task by paying attention to the details.

Computer skills

Reading and writing are no longer considered the only basics of education in many parts of the world. Nearly all jobs today require at least a basic proficiency in computer operation. Computer skills are broadly divided into hardware and software skills. Hardware skills encompass the ability to physically operate a computer, while software skills refer to the capacity to use computer applications and programs efficiently. 

Whether you are employed in the manufacturing, customer service, tech or food service industry, you will encounter technology in one form or another. Most employers do not emphasize the need to be computer literate because they believe it is now a given. In fact, you may have only seen the job posting in the first place because you are computer literate.

Leadership skills

Leadership skills not only help you apply for and attain your desired job, but they also help you advance your career. These skills are highly valued by employers because they keep teams moving forward. A good leader helps to build strong teams within the business and ensures that the work functions smoothly. They motivate, delegate responsibility, listen to feedback and address problems. You can tell how far a business will go by looking at its leadership quality. 

While some argue that great leaders are born, others say they are made. However, there is some truth behind both beliefs. If you think you were not born a leader, you can become one by honing your skills. For example, you can acquire an MBA online through programs like the one offered by Aston University, where you will be taught advanced managerial skills that aid decision-making, strategic thinking and analysis. The program is ideal for employees who want to become management professionals and thrive in the competitive job market.

Problem-solving skills

When employers say they are looking for staff with problem-solving skills, they are often seeking someone who can tackle unexpected workplace challenges. They want someone who sees a negative situation and can calmly and methodically find a solution. Employers understand that the work environment can overwhelm employees at times, and being able to keep a level head and develop good strategies is essential. This skill isn’t just important in a business environment; it can also be helpful in your personal life. 

To solve a problem, these steps can be useful:

  • Research: This is an essential aspect of finding a solution. You must first identify the cause of the problem before suggesting possible solutions. You can brainstorm with other team members with a better grasp of the issues or acquire knowledge through online searches.
  • Analysis: Basic research helps you understand the problems, while studying helps you develop solutions. By weighing the pros and cons, you can distinguish between what works and what is unlikely to yield the desired results.
  • Decision-making: Finally, you will need to decide how to solve the problems. If you perform your research and analysis correctly, the solution may be obvious. After deciding on the best way to tackle the problem, you can instruct your team on how to move forward.

Time management skills

Many people overlook the importance of time management, but it is a professional skill that can make a big difference in your success. You need it to organize your daily tasks and meet business objectives. If you don’t prioritize certain tasks, you could find yourself falling behind. 

Not only does proper time management help you be more productive, but it can also enable you to advance your career. Before submitting your resume, read up on the possible skills your employer is looking for. They may not mention time management skills directly, but emphasizing this ability could help you convince them you deserve the job.

When it comes to job hunting, all skills are valuable. Employers want to find the best people to guide their company to greater success, so be sure to draw attention to your strengths in your resume and interview. 


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