Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms and How to Cope Up With Them

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Our daily life is becoming more stressful day by day due to work pressure and mental stress. Especially people living in town working in different organizations experience a more stressful life compared to people living in the village or the countryside. It is depending on the daily routine that people follow every day is the reason for occurring stress and south florida detox center.

However not only work culture but social life, as well as family problems, can be the reason that induces stress. People try to reduce this stress in the very easiest way by consuming Alcohol, smoking and taking other narcotics. The number of people is addicted to alcoholism and tries to escape from it.

When an addicted person tries to escape from this addiction, several Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms we can see. A person who is consistent with alcohol consumption is suffering from the syndrome of alcohol withdrawal when they completely stop drinking. Their body and mind generally habituated with the effect of alcohol consumption and then a sudden change of the behavior cause a serious problem.

The Central Nervous System of an addicted person has been acclimatized to the depressing effects of alcohol. Therefore after the sudden reduction of alcohol level in the body affects the brain function. The brain of that person tries to remain in a hyperactive state which results in an alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Observation of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Several Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms made us keep the distance from alcoholism. Alcohol affects receptors of our body and neurotransmitters present in the brain dramatically.

Consistency in alcohol consumption makes the receptors less responsive to the signal coming from neurotransmitters. Our body wants to retain this effect and in that scenario to achieve this desirable effect higher amount of alcohol is required. Therefore our body sends the signal to our neural system to intake more alcohol.

As per several types of research, it has been demonstrated that Alcohol creates such an effect where it suppresses the response of neurotransmitters to perform the neuronal activity. That effect results to induce calmness and relaxation after heavy alcoholism.

Therefore the sudden reduction of alcoholism creates an imbalance in the Central Nervous System of the body. After the sudden reduction of the consumption of alcohol receptors remains less responsive to the excitation comes as signal form. However, neurotransmitters bounce back to the normal state. This contradiction tends to the Brain Hyperexcitability. That leads to irritability, agitation, and tremors and seizures.

The period of consuming alcohol decides the nature and grimness of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms. Within 24 hours after giving up from alcohol the symptoms start occurring.

One can observe the following symptoms includes-


Excessive intake of alcohol creates several symptoms. Tremors are known as Alcohol Shakes. In this kind of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms includes rhythmic shaking of body parts as well as produces shaky voice. The effect can be observed typically in the hands which cause trouble in writing or drawing or holding something.

Sometimes alcohol has been used as the medicine for the treatment of Tremors in the case of some patients. Alcohol acts as a suppressing agent of Tremors and it affects the effect of the olivary nucleus which involves in the generation of the Tremor.

Alcohol Craving

This is another harmful effect observed due to alcohol abuse. Drinking alcohol too much very frequently suffering from alcohol craving. Alcohol Craving is the desire to have alcohol of a person at a very unusual time and it may appear at any time during a whole day. It may appear at day or night or when someone in an unusual place such as school, college or workplace.

This kind of problems occurs can be the result of brain damage or malfunction of the brain. And the situation occurs where an affected person cannot keep control over his/her desire. Malfunction of neural response is a more specific reason for the Alcohol Cravings.


Another adverse effect of alcohol abuse is Insomnia which is very popular among professional workers nowadays. In this particular disease, a person usually stays awake at night and there is no certain time when they go to bed. Those affected persons are known as Insomniac.

For a long period if any person used to maintain this kind of unhealthy routine then a person becomes Insomniac. Due to the heavy alcoholism disorder of the nervous system produce which leads to Insomnia. People working in night shifts also could have been affected in this kind of disease and consumption of alcoholism enhances the possibility of affecting this kind of disease.

Vivid Dreams

Alcohol causes enhancement of non-REM sleep which means sleep is very deep and doesn’t involve many dreams. A person having deep sleep doesn’t wake up often and becomes unaware of his or her surroundings. Even in this case a person sometimes cannot recall about incident happen before he or she went to sleep.

Now alcohol withdrawal symptoms could be dangerous in this situation as the sudden reduction of alcohol in the blood creates so many side effects. It creates just the opposite phenomenon which leads to shallower periods of sleep and more dreaming. In this case, a person wakes up even more frequently. Therefore a person used to see Vivid Dreams and nightmares. In the worst-case scenario, a person may get a heart attack while sleeping.


After alcohol withdrawal of a functional alcoholic who used to have heavy drinking might get affected in Anxiety. However, people can also get affected in anxiety but it will be vigorous for a heavy drinking person. Anxiety leads to chronic depression which can be deadly for the mental health of a person.

In this situation an affected person can join Yoga classes or Gym, and improve control of breathing, can motivate on their own, eat well, stay connected with friends and society to cure this kind of disease. A person can treat himself or herself through counseling with the help of a licensed mental health counselor.


It could be another harmful afterward effect among alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Agitation is another disease due to uncontrolled emotion and somehow related to anxiety. Popular symptoms that one can observe in this situation are difficulty in sitting, angry outbursts, problems with focusing or having a conversation, anger, etc.

After withdrawal, the disorder of the neuronal functions causes the induction of the agitation. The reduction of the level of alcohol also reduces calmness and creates an imbalance of neural function. Therefore this kind of case can be found as a popular withdrawal effect.

Liver Cirrhosis

Liver Cirrhosis is an extremely vigorous disease in which an alcoholic can be affected and categorized as one of the alcohol withdrawal symptoms. This disease is the permanent damage of the liver and irreversible but can be stopped by a person if he or she abandon alcohol. This deadly disease can be found after a long period of heavy drinking.

Cirrhosis is the permanent damage of tissues in the liver that is not curable and leads to malfunction of the liver. Digestion capability of the liver reduces drastically due to the reduction of the production of an enzyme. Therefore a person affected in this disease should be maintaining proper diet includes easily digestive foods.

Nausea and Vomiting

This one is another mentionable among the alcohol withdrawal syndromes. Consumption of alcohol for a longer period heavily affects stomach acid which leads the digestion system malfunctioning. Heavy alcoholism increases the production of stomach acid that can cause abdominal pain. Other side effects can be nausea and vomiting.

A person affected in this kind of disease cannot eat properly until getting proper treatment and that also leads to blood sugar level fall. A patient may experience weakness, fatigue, and absurd behavior. In this case, sleep is also getting hampered due to vomiting and irresistible pain feeling inside the stomach. Problems could go even further such as anxiety and insomnia.

Headache and Sweating

People will continue suffering through irresistible headache and night sweat for several months. In some of the cases, it may be gone in a few weeks. It affects sleep heavily that someone turns up into insomniac and imbalanced mental health and peace. Sometimes the situation may get even worse than the affected person tries to attempt suicide.

In such worst cases, a person who goes through this kind of symptom should contact a licensed mental health counselor to have some expert advice. Almost 9.8 million males and 5.3 million females are affected by this disease all over the world. And this is one of the common symptoms that can be observed after quitting from alcoholism.

Loss of Appetite

We can often observe that functional alcoholic normally does not eat much cause Loss of Appetite. Drinking too much alcohol possibly creates a bacterial infection inside the stomach. That leads to stomach bloating which causes weight gain. But surprisingly people don’t eat much food which results in weakness and can turn into malnourishment.

Loss of appetite causes muscle loss as well as weight loss. People don’t eat enough food for days that causes vomiting and due to this period of starvation, their daily routine can be misbalanced.


The diagnosis procedure mentioned below.

  • About the diagnosis part, a doctor at first goes through the medical history of the patient. Require some essential information from the patient before starting proper treatment. The information generally includes the time period of alcohol consumption, the quantity of drinking and most important when a patient had last drink.
  • The doctor recommends physical examination as well as blood test, urine test, checks alcohol level in blood, electrolytes, etc. Based on medical history and the test results getting from the following tests doctor will evaluate the alcohol withdrawal symptoms. And grimness of withdrawal symptoms.
  • At the very first step of treatment, the doctor goes through the condition of the patient thoroughly and plans the treatment accordingly. In this procedure, the doctor decides on which type of withdrawal symptom(s) the patient is suffering through as well as the severity of the symptom(s).
  • In the case of moderate symptoms, the doctor prefers to treat someone as an outpatient. But there should be some conditions such as a patient’s family and friends should be supportive. Such kind of treatment can be more beneficial and the patient can recover as soon as possible.


The doctor follows a specific procedure of treatment and the process is listed below:

  • Although for some cases the doctor has to treat the patient in the hospital and treat it in a convenient way. Especially in cases where the patient is pregnant, suffers from certain medical problems, the patient has severe withdrawal symptoms in their medical history or goes through liver cirrhosis.
  • Certain kinds of drugs are used in such treatments. The doctor decides which drug to use and determine the dose. Generally, three types of drugs used for such cases are Antipsychotic drugs, Beta-blockers, and Anticonvulsant drugs.
  • Seizures due to withdrawal have to start within 24-48 hours after the stoppage of drinking. Delirium tremens (DTs) usually begin after 1-4 days where 1-5% of patients lost their lives.
  • From the above-mentioned information, we get to know about the hazardous effect of consumption of alcohol and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Hence to prevent this we need to be more careful about this kind of addiction and we should try to keep a distance from such kind of habits.
  • If a person gets affected in alcoholism then he or she needs to quite an alcoholism and undergo in proper treatment if required. We should aware of ourselves as well as an addicted person in our surroundings. If someone has been addicted to alcoholism and suffering from such alcohol withdrawal symptoms we should suggest them to get treatment.

Final thoughts

A person who goes through such kind of addiction keeps distance from any kind of social interaction. We should aware of them the side effects of alcoholism. We have to motivate such persons and treat them sensitively so that they can share feelings with us. And problems they are suffering through.

We have to aware of their family members and convince them to take proper treatment. In this situation, a patient requires family support. Thus family members should be supportive in this situation. Emotional support can be the biggest medicine in this kind of situation.

An addicted person has to quit alcoholism and undergoes treatment as soon as possible before it is too late. A person suffering through liver cirrhosis should stop consuming alcohol completely.